Okay, I feel like I have been holding out!
Don't you just love when you discover a
new person, blog, business idea, inspiration??
I do!! It makes my day.
What if you find it all in one place, at one site?
I tripped onto this website,

a few months ago and I LOVE everything about it!
The host, Monica Lee, conducts interviews
with new, emerging, or seasoned creatives.
Her questions are full of substance, not just fluffy!
I find myself looking forward, wondering who she is going to
converse with next!
Want to take classes, need coaching, looking for a rabbit hole of
Go see for yourself.
There, I shared. I feel better!:)
There, I shared. I feel better!:)
Now, go be inspired!

Lovely blog. Terrific Etsy finds! Many thanks for the feature.